If you think podcasting is just about helping your audience with your free content - think again. Since embarking on my very own podcasting journey, I have noticed the effect that my weekly podcast has rather had on me, both personally and as a business owner.

In this post I will share with you 3 reasons why podcasting is a great personal development tool.
You learn to accept yourself more
They say that the key to happiness is self acceptance, and with podcasting comes a lot of opportunities to do this. When you become a podcaster, if you don’t like the sound of your own voice (like me), you can learn to be at peace with this more quickly - because trust me, you will get used to it!

When I started recording my weekly episodes, I was shocked to hear how many times I used “filler words” such “erm” and “like”. In a few episodes I obsessively tried to remove all of them - this took nearly two hours and I do not recommend! However, when listening to other people’s podcasts I then started to realise how common this was and have since felt more at ease with my own way of speaking.
You become more confident
There’s something about showing up every week, talking about a topic and publishing it into the public realm - that really helps you grow in confidence! As every week passes I I feel more confident talking about my business and the topics I so dearly love, feeling more comfortable in my own shoes. In other words, having your own podcast can help to combat the old imposter syndrome feelings.
Can I just say something? Podcasting takes guts - and perhaps more so than posting on social media or blogging, because you are speaking into the microphone and publishing directly to your audience. The content you produce is also less “temporary” than that of social media because your listeners will likely go back to earlier episodes and have a good old fashioned binge if they love your show!
You learn to deal with “comparisonitis”
If you decide to collaborate with others through your podcast and invite guests to interview, lots of awkward feelings will come up - especially is a new entrepreneur. When I first spoke to creative women business owners about coming on my show, I felt so incredibly inferior in comparison to their amazing business achievements. Some of them had been in business for nearly a decade!

I had of course, a bad episode of “comparisonitis” as I like to call it, comparing their journey with mine. However, this is a feeling that helps you to grow and really OWN your role as a podcast host and be the best possible version that I could be. So successful entrepreneurs want to appear on your podcast? Not a bad result there at all, I would say!
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Plus... when you subscribe I'll send you a FREE podcast checklist to help you get started on your podcasting journey :)
Need some extra help with your podcast strategy or getting it up and running?
As part of my virtual assistant services, I use my own podcasting expertise to help clients set up their own podcasts and provide ongoing management.
Drop me an e-mail at Charlotte@creativegoddessclub.com and I’ll be able to provide some extra details on the service most aligned with your needs. Alternatively, book a slot and arrange a free 30-min chat directly here.
Thinking about starting a Podcast for Your Business?
I truly believe in the power of podcasting to boost your business — so much that I created a course about it!
In “Simply Start Your Passion Podcast” I take you from your podcast idea, to putting it out into the world in 5-modules, all whilst helping you navigate the technical elements and mindset roadblocks along the way.
If you would like to find out more information, go and check out the course information page here.